Goodminds LogoGoodminds hand drawn text






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What is Good Minds?

Good Minds is an indie, art-focused NFT collection with multiple characters hand-drawn by Stefan Matioc.

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How many NFTs are there?

There are 6000 NFTs: 2970 breads, 1980 vases, and 990 TVs, with 50 kettlebells and a smattering of delightful 1/1s.

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Where can I view the rarity rankings?

Our rarity rankings can be viewed on PopRank. In addition to scarcity-based rankings, PopRank provides aesthetic rankings which are crowd-sourced by the community. In short, anyone can play a game where they pick which NFT they prefer in a head-to-head match up, and the results contribute towards the all-time aesthetic rankings for our collection. To learn more about why we’ve chosen to use PopRank, please read this article.

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What intellectual property rights does the project use?

The project is CC0, or creative commons. More information on the license details can be found here. To make it even easier to build with our assets, we've uploaded all the original images and metadata to GitHub.

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Is there a roadmap?

No, but more information about our plans can be found in the Good Minds Litepaper.

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What are Good Minds Art Drops?

Good Minds Art Drops are a collection of NFTs airdropped for free to select Good Minds holders based on different traits in the Good Minds set.

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What are the project's royalties ?

The royalties are 0% for both the main Good Minds collection and the Art Drops collection.